Friday, August 17, 2007

Sacred Guides > Tharkane's Secret Mojo: Juicing up Spell Damage

Sacred Guides at DarkMatters

We have Tharkane, again, writing in great detail on how to increase your spell damage power while balancing against regen times. Elemental descriptions and uses, as well as a great guide to spell-user's equipment round this guide out to one that every mage in the game should read.

By Tharkane

Can be found at :

Sacred Guides > A Combo (and Rune) Guide

Sacred Guides at DarkMatters

This is the most comprehensive guide written on combos and runes in Sacred. Complete with great descriptions of all the mechanics. It deals with how to set up combos, how to understand how they work and...most importantly , to get the most damage from them while balancing them against regen times.

By Bondbug

Can be found here:

> Sacred Guide: The Merchant Mechanics Unraveled, How to shop wihth an edge...

Sacred Guides at DarkMatters

Thorin's answer to many questions that have frustrated many shoppers with their time spent with Ancaria's merchants. Why can we sometimes not buy good items? Why am I having a bad day? Is there anything that I can do to make my purchases at the shopkeepers a better shopping experience...
All that and more in this guide.

By Thorin

Can be found at :

> Sacred Guides Tharkane's Weapons & Armor: Figuring it Out

Sacred Guides at DarkMatters

This guide to weapons and armor is an exhaustive piece of work written by none other than the co-collaborator of the Dracobane.
It covers all manner of interesting tidbits running from a description of all weapon types, attack speeds, resistances, weapon damage modifiers and the role of items in the game for your character.

By Tharkane

Can be found here:

Sacred Guides > MacTak's Sacred Underworld Single Player (SP) Starting Guide

Sacred Guides at DarkMatters

This is probably one of the most well-read single player guides in all of Ancaria-dom. It's comprehensive and is written with the experience of one of the players playing Sacred almost since it's beginning.
A definite must -read if you're planning on taking your single play experience up to it's very best.

By Mactak

Can be found here:

DarkMatters (Sacred)

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