SAcred Guides at DarkMatters
This is the Official Indexed List of all the Guides and Builds available at DarkMatters. The Index comprises guides regarding player builds, Tours of Ancaria, Important lists, Maps and other miscellaneous but important reference information regarding this game. The index is made up of links to every guide that has been submitted here at DarkMatters. It is the culmination of innumerable numbers of people that have worked hard, donated their time and played Sacred over many years. Many of these people are now gone but their work remains and has been recorded here on this site as testimony towards the greatest of builds and guides. We believe it will make a player's experience only that much better. Our respect and greatest thanks for all of the submissions and work involved and to everyone who was a part of this.
Thank you
Enjoy the Index.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Ultimate Sacred Guide
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By Nihilith:
Table of Content
The Ultimate Sacred Guide
Introduction to the guide (2007/08/17)
How to contribute (2007/08/17)
The game
-- General (2007/08/17)
-- Interface
-- Movement and fight
-- Experience
Difficulty levels (2008/08/17)
The World
Battle Mage
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
Dark Elf
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
Wood Elf
-- Presentation
-- Guides
Strengths and weaknesses
NPC or Non Playable Characters
Types of NPC
Item types
Item rarity
Item mods
How to get items (2007/08/17)
Getting rid of the useless (2007/08/17)
Storing your items (2007/08/17)
List, by class and level
Combat Arts / Techs
Timers (2007/08/17)
Special Moves (2007/08/17)
Spells (2007/08/17)
List, by class
-- Battle Mage DRAFT
Main quest
Side Quests
Misc guides
Where to gain experience efficiently
How to get better items (Magic find)
Far sight
Horses and riding
Trading (2007/08/17) (2007/08/17)
Technical help
Loopback interface
Updating your video drivers
Terms and accronyms
General chat
This is probably the longest and most comprehensive guide on the entirety of game play in Sacred. It's a work in progress, is complete with definitions, descriptions and formulaes. A true jewel.
Can be found here:
By Nihilith:
Table of Content
The Ultimate Sacred Guide
Introduction to the guide (2007/08/17)
How to contribute (2007/08/17)
The game
-- General (2007/08/17)
-- Interface
-- Movement and fight
-- Experience
Difficulty levels (2008/08/17)
The World
Battle Mage
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
Dark Elf
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
-- Presentation
-- Guides
Wood Elf
-- Presentation
-- Guides
Strengths and weaknesses
NPC or Non Playable Characters
Types of NPC
Item types
Item rarity
Item mods
How to get items (2007/08/17)
Getting rid of the useless (2007/08/17)
Storing your items (2007/08/17)
List, by class and level
Combat Arts / Techs
Timers (2007/08/17)
Special Moves (2007/08/17)
Spells (2007/08/17)
List, by class
-- Battle Mage DRAFT
Main quest
Side Quests
Misc guides
Where to gain experience efficiently
How to get better items (Magic find)
Far sight
Horses and riding
Trading (2007/08/17) (2007/08/17)
Technical help
Loopback interface
Updating your video drivers
Terms and accronyms
General chat
This is probably the longest and most comprehensive guide on the entirety of game play in Sacred. It's a work in progress, is complete with definitions, descriptions and formulaes. A true jewel.
Can be found here:
> Sacred Guide: Pevils Horse Builds, General tips to make horses work
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By Pevil:
Pevil is one of the most beloved and respected players in the game. Her patience with new players and her carefully wrought-out and kind responses to new players has won her fame and acclaim. This guide is a wonderful introduction to the use of mounts in Sacred. The addition of Underworld made the use of horses and bridles even more valuable than before. And if the extra work in using a horse it your style, this guide will lead you upon your way.
Can be found here:
By Pevil:
Pevil is one of the most beloved and respected players in the game. Her patience with new players and her carefully wrought-out and kind responses to new players has won her fame and acclaim. This guide is a wonderful introduction to the use of mounts in Sacred. The addition of Underworld made the use of horses and bridles even more valuable than before. And if the extra work in using a horse it your style, this guide will lead you upon your way.
Can be found here:
> Sacred Guide: Trading, Time and the Bigger Picture,
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Why trading WILL pay off
By gogoblender
This hotly disupted but very popular Sacred skill is explained why, for patient players, it's use in building the most perfect characters is a must-have. Why building your trading suit is important, why better socketables are more important, and how it all works together to give you the extra little edge that means everything to the expert player.
Can be found here:
Why trading WILL pay off
By gogoblender
This hotly disupted but very popular Sacred skill is explained why, for patient players, it's use in building the most perfect characters is a must-have. Why building your trading suit is important, why better socketables are more important, and how it all works together to give you the extra little edge that means everything to the expert player.
Can be found here:
> Sacred Guide: How To Add Widd to Your Build, Best Damage Mod in Sacred
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By gogoblender and Schot:
WIDD is the most dangerous but powerful Damage Mod in the game. It can also, if combined with the proper amount of Life Leech, serve as a dynamic defence system that will keep you alive through almost anything as long as you have enough leech and are making hits. Especially good with long ranged characters, it can more than quadruple or quintuple your damage if your health is low enough.
Can be found here:
By gogoblender and Schot:
WIDD is the most dangerous but powerful Damage Mod in the game. It can also, if combined with the proper amount of Life Leech, serve as a dynamic defence system that will keep you alive through almost anything as long as you have enough leech and are making hits. Especially good with long ranged characters, it can more than quadruple or quintuple your damage if your health is low enough.
Can be found here:
> Sacred Guide: John K.C: Defence and Physical Regeneration in Sacred, Comprehensive paper on in-game
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By John K.C.
Comprehensive paper on in-game Mechanics done by John K.C. This is a nicely detailed article which features a very in-depth description and examples of resistances and defence in the game. Defence (Ability to reduce the times you're hit) and Resistance ( The reduction in value of the damage that subtracted from your healthpoints) are two things of note that will ultimately determine whether your toon will make it to niobium or not. Yes, the big damage dealer does damage. But in Niobum, monsters hit so hard and so fast, that not having these two components of your builds balanced out will end up will serve you up with a dead ^^
Can be found here:
By John K.C.
Comprehensive paper on in-game Mechanics done by John K.C. This is a nicely detailed article which features a very in-depth description and examples of resistances and defence in the game. Defence (Ability to reduce the times you're hit) and Resistance ( The reduction in value of the damage that subtracted from your healthpoints) are two things of note that will ultimately determine whether your toon will make it to niobium or not. Yes, the big damage dealer does damage. But in Niobum, monsters hit so hard and so fast, that not having these two components of your builds balanced out will end up will serve you up with a dead ^^
Can be found here:
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sacred Guides > Tharkane's Secret Mojo: Juicing up Spell Damage
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
We have Tharkane, again, writing in great detail on how to increase your spell damage power while balancing against regen times. Elemental descriptions and uses, as well as a great guide to spell-user's equipment round this guide out to one that every mage in the game should read.
By Tharkane
Can be found at :
We have Tharkane, again, writing in great detail on how to increase your spell damage power while balancing against regen times. Elemental descriptions and uses, as well as a great guide to spell-user's equipment round this guide out to one that every mage in the game should read.
By Tharkane
Can be found at :
Sacred Guides > A Combo (and Rune) Guide
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
This is the most comprehensive guide written on combos and runes in Sacred. Complete with great descriptions of all the mechanics. It deals with how to set up combos, how to understand how they work and...most importantly , to get the most damage from them while balancing them against regen times.
By Bondbug
Can be found here:
This is the most comprehensive guide written on combos and runes in Sacred. Complete with great descriptions of all the mechanics. It deals with how to set up combos, how to understand how they work and...most importantly , to get the most damage from them while balancing them against regen times.
By Bondbug
Can be found here:
> Sacred Guide: The Merchant Mechanics Unraveled, How to shop wihth an edge...
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Thorin's answer to many questions that have frustrated many shoppers with their time spent with Ancaria's merchants. Why can we sometimes not buy good items? Why am I having a bad day? Is there anything that I can do to make my purchases at the shopkeepers a better shopping experience...
All that and more in this guide.
By Thorin
Can be found at :
Thorin's answer to many questions that have frustrated many shoppers with their time spent with Ancaria's merchants. Why can we sometimes not buy good items? Why am I having a bad day? Is there anything that I can do to make my purchases at the shopkeepers a better shopping experience...
All that and more in this guide.
By Thorin
Can be found at :
> Sacred Guides Tharkane's Weapons & Armor: Figuring it Out
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
This guide to weapons and armor is an exhaustive piece of work written by none other than the co-collaborator of the Dracobane.
It covers all manner of interesting tidbits running from a description of all weapon types, attack speeds, resistances, weapon damage modifiers and the role of items in the game for your character.
By Tharkane
Can be found here:
This guide to weapons and armor is an exhaustive piece of work written by none other than the co-collaborator of the Dracobane.
It covers all manner of interesting tidbits running from a description of all weapon types, attack speeds, resistances, weapon damage modifiers and the role of items in the game for your character.
By Tharkane
Can be found here:
Sacred Guides > MacTak's Sacred Underworld Single Player (SP) Starting Guide
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
This is probably one of the most well-read single player guides in all of Ancaria-dom. It's comprehensive and is written with the experience of one of the players playing Sacred almost since it's beginning.
A definite must -read if you're planning on taking your single play experience up to it's very best.
By Mactak
Can be found here:
This is probably one of the most well-read single player guides in all of Ancaria-dom. It's comprehensive and is written with the experience of one of the players playing Sacred almost since it's beginning.
A definite must -read if you're planning on taking your single play experience up to it's very best.
By Mactak
Can be found here:
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
> Sacred Guides: Achieving greater magical spell damage.,
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
A quick reading list with pictures of items in Ancaria that will help you increase your magic damage. I had put it together when trying to find ways of increasing my E Bolts Daemon's damage, then realized that it could be used by others seeking to increase the potency of their magical damage via spell, sword or buff.
By gogoblender
Found here:
A quick reading list with pictures of items in Ancaria that will help you increase your magic damage. I had put it together when trying to find ways of increasing my E Bolts Daemon's damage, then realized that it could be used by others seeking to increase the potency of their magical damage via spell, sword or buff.
By gogoblender
Found here:
> Sacred Guides: Tactics for SB, ways how to get your SB up quickly
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
This is a useful guide to all seekers of that elusive, often forgotten mod...Survival Bonus. Very powerful in it's latter stages, here are ways of getting it going from an early level.
By Sylph:
This is a useful guide to all seekers of that elusive, often forgotten mod...Survival Bonus. Very powerful in it's latter stages, here are ways of getting it going from an early level.
By Sylph:
> Sacred Guides: The Dracobane
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
This guide is near legendary. Written by by both Frost Elf Guard and Tharkane, two of the most knowledgable Sacred Mechanics players in the land, it offers whimsy, great detail and a fascinating look at what dragons are all about...and how to kill them
By Frost ElfGuard and Tharkane:
This guide is near legendary. Written by by both Frost Elf Guard and Tharkane, two of the most knowledgable Sacred Mechanics players in the land, it offers whimsy, great detail and a fascinating look at what dragons are all about...and how to kill them
By Frost ElfGuard and Tharkane:
Sacred Guides > Special Damage Screen Shots, Various set or item damage mods
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Daveo's special damage screen shots are now famous. The bonuses that sets gives often change and/or give special effects to attacks that are rarely seen. If you've never seen the Blizzard set damage effects in action...make sure you read his thread.
By DaveO
Daveo's special damage screen shots are now famous. The bonuses that sets gives often change and/or give special effects to attacks that are rarely seen. If you've never seen the Blizzard set damage effects in action...make sure you read his thread.
By DaveO
> Sacred Guides: Monster Resistance Tables, Dragons, Cave of Heroes and more!

Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
The Monster resistance tables is the second most popular guide at Darkmatters. Since it tells you in advance, by way of spread sheet, all the strengths and weaknesses of ancarian enemies, it's understandable.
It features a complete list of all dragon resistance weaknesses, cave of heroes and many more. Know this one by heart
All the tables be found here:
> Reference Map: Denizens of Ancaria by Territory, Originally Posted at $Wanted$Sacred
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
A fantastic map, one of the best I've ever seen. Seeing monsters arranged by territory and in such sharp detail makes you want to leap into battle.
Can be found here:
A fantastic map, one of the best I've ever seen. Seeing monsters arranged by territory and in such sharp detail makes you want to leap into battle.
Can be found here:
> Sacred Guide: Shift Key Shielding, The unwritten defense
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
This is Schot's latest discovery, and it's a doozy. Holding Shift down while playing can give you a drop in fifty percent of hits landed against you. I kid you not. Even at this point in the game it seems there's magic still left waiting to be discovered. The movie he made is especially telling.
By Schot:
This is Schot's latest discovery, and it's a doozy. Holding Shift down while playing can give you a drop in fifty percent of hits landed against you. I kid you not. Even at this point in the game it seems there's magic still left waiting to be discovered. The movie he made is especially telling.
By Schot:
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sacred Guides Preparations before starting a character
Originally taken from :
By Csaszar
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By Csaszar
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides Regen Time/ Duration
Originally taken from :
By Nihilith
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By Nihilith
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides Undead Hunter Build
Originally Taken From:
By Obsession
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By Obsession
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides Hunter Seeker Seraphim
Originally Taken From:
By Zinsho
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By Zinsho
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides Seraphim Ebolts Build
Originally Taken from :
By Jonny X
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By Jonny X
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides Pure Melee Seraphim
Originally taken from :
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides The Mounted Seraphim Build
Originally taken from :
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides The BFG Seraphim Build
Originally taken from :
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides: Pure Magic Seraphim
This is KOTR with one of his popular seraphim guides. KOTR was responsible for a lot of the discovery regarding Seraphim game mechanics. A must read for Seraphim fans, especially those using pure magic in their builds.
Originally taken from:
Sacred guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides: Hybrid Build
Sacred Guides: The Uriel Build
Originally taken from:
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guide Balanced Seraphim Guide
Originally taken from
By Cygnus:
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By Cygnus:
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides Seraphim Reference Thread
Originally Taken From:
by gogoblender
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
by gogoblender
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guide to Trading
Originally taken from :
by gogoblender
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
by gogoblender
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
Sacred Guides Seraphim Thread for High Damage
Originally taken from:
By gogoblender
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
By gogoblender
Sacred Guides at DarkMatters
How to Add Widd to your Build
Originally taken from :
[color="#3333FF"]High Damage Hybrid Seraphim...Next Gen Damage With WIDD
Before starting let's give full credit to Schot who discovered WIDD and put it into play on the HC servers.
His incredible insight into damage strategies and his ability to twist my arm into seeing his way allowed me to build this most incredible Wonderbabe.
lol, a poor but extremely fun copy of his awesomely powerful mage now wreaking destruction through platinum.
Thank You
The high damage seraphim thread written up last year was tons of fun.
I"m really glad that people found it interesting and tried out some of the ideas there. That thread had some great posters and wild ways of increasing damage! (knight's Mono-Elemental damage mods, Shai-Hullud's Racial Damage mods and Stalky's and Telenochek's great insight on Critical!)
Thanks to all the great people who voiced their thoughts, added their ideas, and basically made WIDD a new and wonderfully build strategy that even today still surprises me!
So is this new post a build?
Hmmm, I don't know.
As an exercise in seraphim capabilities, I'd like to hope, though, that it begins to match Knight of the Roses's revolutionary, ground breaking Archer seraphim that really showed us the depths of this game.
So enjoy...and don't die!
My newest Wonderbabe has now hit level 110.
Magic Lore
Weapon Lore
Heavenly Magic
Duel Wield
In one battle she has the capacity to:
Easily take out mobs 20 levels above her with an Attack Ca of level 40 with a regen of 1.5...damage averaging between 25000-50000 per hit (even higher).
Cast 15 level 40 Celestial lights (CL) at once with a regen of 1.3 seconds, with damage ranging from 4000-7000 (higher even) per cl cast. (Incredibly useful for stunning and killing stubborn dragons or getting the attention of monsters to far too run to and so have them run to you )
Cast a level 89 Light buff 120 seconds with a regen of 25.9 seconds, with damage running at an average of 20000 per pulse (even higher).
Use Combat Jump level 24, with 1.9 second regen with damage ranging from 125000-250000 a jump (lol, I could do better but i've been lazy lately )
Lol, run away at a movement speed of 195! (While also dancing around, evading blows, and fireballs too ! )
Interesting stats:
Level 110 hc plat char
Duel Wielder
Chance to Critical: 85 percent
Resistance: 2042
Defence: 1573
Life Leech: 6 percent
Number of Defence ammies in slots: None!
How is this possible?
With what Schot and I think is probably the most powerful mod ever...
Wounds Increase Damage Dealt (WIDD).
WIDD rings and ammies have replaced all of my damage rings and defence ammies.
I currently have close to 300% WIDD slotted.
At this level (110) if any of you want to try out this build, I really recomend no WIDD ring of less than 24 percent just to get a try of the damage this build is capable of.
WIDD increases ALL of my damage to such an extent that having so much defense on had become redundant.
Basically WIDD gets better damage with the less health points you have.
So...the more damage you want...the less health you have to have.
What we've been doing is allowing a monster to knock our health down to a third or half...then go out killing Baddies.
Tons of fun!
The huge damage that you're now capable of dealing out now increases life leech capabilites as well...therefore this build needs less far less life leech.
Indeed...if the life leech is too high...the huge damage done gives you back health far too quickly thereby reducing your ability to do another attack of high damage!
This build is NOT for beginners.
Your health meter must constantly be monitored.
lol, just incase...
I'd really only recommend this build for experienced players and not for the faint of heart.
Understand that you are basically converting your healthpoints into your life meter will definitely flicker .
WIDD's use for Light, RBOL, and CL are outstanding!.
Sometimes it's fun to just wait and see how far this mod will go.
By staying in one place and not using let your buff deal out higher and higher damage as your health points get lower and lower...with each higher amout of damage dealt out getting more life leech back!
It's the last pulse that's scary but VERY thrilling..your health points are low...but that last pulse of Light or RBOL can do almost 70000 points of damage!
(lol, quite addictive )
I found with this second version of WIDD Duel Wield, I was able to emulate the effects of the Armor skill without using it as a Skill choice by creating what I call a R and R slot.
(Weapon Slot 3...Rest, Run and Relaxation! )
Weapon Slot 1-Melee
Weapon slot 2-Celestial light Casting Slot
Weapon slot 3-R and R slot
Weapon slot 4-Light Casting Slot or Rbol Slot
Weapon slot 5-Strength of faith or anything else you want slot
CA slot 6-Attack
CA slot 7-Celestial light
Ca slot 8-Combat Jump
CA slot 9-Light or RBOL
CA slot 10-Strength of faith or anything else you want to slot
Slot 3 is crucial to this build...
I had to reproduce the Armor skill...
1-Which increases movement speed when wearing higher level armor.
2-Gives Resistance to Damage.
So, in that slot I"ve put any two weapons or sword and shield combo, that have the highest possible speed mods on them.
Also...all the available sockets on the selected items in slot 3 are socketed with any rings or amulets with the highest magic or spell regen possible.
After I finish a battle I'm able to toggle to slot 3 effortlessly, allowing me to run at VERY high speeds to the next mob while regenning my spells at a highly accelerated rate, all at the same time!
Armor's resistance is not needed anymore because the high damage this build is capable of results in an amplification of life leech capabilities.
Without having to choose Armor skill I was freed up to pick an additional skill...and so I chose meditation, allowing the creation of a truly unique Hybrid with powerful spell casting capabilites and VERY fast magic regen combined with astounding melee damage.
To Cast spells high and then regen them uber fast...make sure you only have items which increase spell levels on the slot you are casting them from.
Example of Battle:
Cast CL from slot with items that have high CL in them...After the cl is blasting away at level 40, for then switch to your melee slot where your huge melee damage comes into play, while your CL is still blasting away in the back ground at level 40!
After spot another mob from a distance...toggle to your R and R slot...
Increase in movement speed, AND level 40 Celestial light now regens at level 1 cl rate or better! (depending on how much magic regen you've socketed in that R and R slot)
When you arrive for your next battle all your spells are ready for action once again!
What's important to remember is that if you're going to socket items that increase magic damage...only the level of the cl that it was originally cast at remains the same, after you switch slots.
Increasing magic damage through percentage modifiers to magic damage on items worn all the time stay with you all the time while the spell is blasting away.
Putting percentage mods to magic damge on a slot you are casting the cl from will not.
So very very important that!
And, as yet, I"ve read no cl runes.
All Cl levels are coming from carefully selected items.
I'd like to point out that because the wield is Duel...I have the option of choosing from between ANY shield or weapon that has the highest CL on it., for awhile I was using TWO Wide Daggers of the Raab sisters!
1-To create a build like this you will probably need another character with Trading running at least twenty levels ahead of you to buy the WIDD rings you'll need to get the percentage to make the mod work
Or...have lots of great friends that don't mind helping you out!
(Huge thanks to Schot, Strange, Keebler, Mortal Dream...and if I"ve forgotten anyone please, when I'm online...just kick me! )
2-You must constantly be landing blows...Strengh of Faith I luv ya! Also low regen times on whichever Ca you use for Attacking is crucial...if you're not landing blows and dealing damage, you're open to getting damaged VERY quickly.
3-Depending on the amount of risk you want to take you can literally dial in the damage you want to inflict.
Lower your healthpoints...then keep them low ...your damage will be high
Or...if you don't want to have risk...simply play the game normally with the WIDD mod...what will happen is that the WIDD mod will act as a huge amplifier to Damage ergo more life leech ergo a quick return to full health.
Lol, you're practically invulnerable!
It's recommended that you start with AT LEAST 300 % WIDD to get the damage I"m getting.
4-Practice this build in softcore. I pretty much only play hc, and so I was pretty scared the first time I was bullied into trying this out. So I practiced by exporting my HC chracacter to Open, thereby getting used to seeing my life meter flash WAY more and getting a feel for a character that lives so seemingly close to the edge.
But...repeated tests in softcore have proven that this mod is unbelievably powerful for a skilled player.
lol, sometimes it takes a great deal of faith to believe that the mod whill kick in at the last minute and blow every monster to smithereens!
Watching your healthpoints get lower
...and lower
Watching the damage you inflict get higher...
and higher!
While remembering that each blow you inflict leeches you back a larger and larger number of health points each time.
5-Myself i'm comfortable with 6% life leech...if you're not, simply adjust your life leech accordingly...What will happen is that your health will say practically full all the time, but you will be trading in some damage.
6-This MOD lends itself excellently to experienced players of ALL classes.
Schot will publish his guide soon and it's a whammy!
Obviously this build has great merit to characters that can attack from a distance...Anyone feel like trying out a Ebolts Wounds Seraphim?
Absolutely get used to the idea of having a buff.
Yes you can kill almost everything really fast...but a buff is now your new armor...remember your protection comes from landing blows...never forget that.
You should only start switching ammies and damage rings to WIDD rings at platinum...and when you've got enough Rings to reach almost 300 %
So what do I have socketed now?
lol, only Wounds and Rsm...that's it!
lol, of course...i'm always looking for ways to improve my damage...I really want to see a seraphim hit in the millions!
Is it possible?
Got any ideas guys?
Cheers and have fun with WIDD!
[color="#3333FF"]High Damage Hybrid Seraphim...Next Gen Damage With WIDD
Before starting let's give full credit to Schot who discovered WIDD and put it into play on the HC servers.
His incredible insight into damage strategies and his ability to twist my arm into seeing his way allowed me to build this most incredible Wonderbabe.
lol, a poor but extremely fun copy of his awesomely powerful mage now wreaking destruction through platinum.
Thank You
The high damage seraphim thread written up last year was tons of fun.
I"m really glad that people found it interesting and tried out some of the ideas there. That thread had some great posters and wild ways of increasing damage! (knight's Mono-Elemental damage mods, Shai-Hullud's Racial Damage mods and Stalky's and Telenochek's great insight on Critical!)
Thanks to all the great people who voiced their thoughts, added their ideas, and basically made WIDD a new and wonderfully build strategy that even today still surprises me!
So is this new post a build?
Hmmm, I don't know.
As an exercise in seraphim capabilities, I'd like to hope, though, that it begins to match Knight of the Roses's revolutionary, ground breaking Archer seraphim that really showed us the depths of this game.
So enjoy...and don't die!
My newest Wonderbabe has now hit level 110.
Magic Lore
Weapon Lore
Heavenly Magic
Duel Wield
In one battle she has the capacity to:
Easily take out mobs 20 levels above her with an Attack Ca of level 40 with a regen of 1.5...damage averaging between 25000-50000 per hit (even higher).
Cast 15 level 40 Celestial lights (CL) at once with a regen of 1.3 seconds, with damage ranging from 4000-7000 (higher even) per cl cast. (Incredibly useful for stunning and killing stubborn dragons or getting the attention of monsters to far too run to and so have them run to you )
Cast a level 89 Light buff 120 seconds with a regen of 25.9 seconds, with damage running at an average of 20000 per pulse (even higher).
Use Combat Jump level 24, with 1.9 second regen with damage ranging from 125000-250000 a jump (lol, I could do better but i've been lazy lately )
Lol, run away at a movement speed of 195! (While also dancing around, evading blows, and fireballs too ! )
Interesting stats:
Level 110 hc plat char
Duel Wielder
Chance to Critical: 85 percent
Resistance: 2042
Defence: 1573
Life Leech: 6 percent
Number of Defence ammies in slots: None!
How is this possible?
With what Schot and I think is probably the most powerful mod ever...
Wounds Increase Damage Dealt (WIDD).
WIDD rings and ammies have replaced all of my damage rings and defence ammies.
I currently have close to 300% WIDD slotted.
At this level (110) if any of you want to try out this build, I really recomend no WIDD ring of less than 24 percent just to get a try of the damage this build is capable of.
WIDD increases ALL of my damage to such an extent that having so much defense on had become redundant.
Basically WIDD gets better damage with the less health points you have.
So...the more damage you want...the less health you have to have.
What we've been doing is allowing a monster to knock our health down to a third or half...then go out killing Baddies.
Tons of fun!
The huge damage that you're now capable of dealing out now increases life leech capabilites as well...therefore this build needs less far less life leech.
Indeed...if the life leech is too high...the huge damage done gives you back health far too quickly thereby reducing your ability to do another attack of high damage!
This build is NOT for beginners.
Your health meter must constantly be monitored.
lol, just incase...
I'd really only recommend this build for experienced players and not for the faint of heart.
Understand that you are basically converting your healthpoints into your life meter will definitely flicker .
WIDD's use for Light, RBOL, and CL are outstanding!.
Sometimes it's fun to just wait and see how far this mod will go.
By staying in one place and not using let your buff deal out higher and higher damage as your health points get lower and lower...with each higher amout of damage dealt out getting more life leech back!
It's the last pulse that's scary but VERY thrilling..your health points are low...but that last pulse of Light or RBOL can do almost 70000 points of damage!
(lol, quite addictive )
I found with this second version of WIDD Duel Wield, I was able to emulate the effects of the Armor skill without using it as a Skill choice by creating what I call a R and R slot.
(Weapon Slot 3...Rest, Run and Relaxation! )
Weapon Slot 1-Melee
Weapon slot 2-Celestial light Casting Slot
Weapon slot 3-R and R slot
Weapon slot 4-Light Casting Slot or Rbol Slot
Weapon slot 5-Strength of faith or anything else you want slot
CA slot 6-Attack
CA slot 7-Celestial light
Ca slot 8-Combat Jump
CA slot 9-Light or RBOL
CA slot 10-Strength of faith or anything else you want to slot
Slot 3 is crucial to this build...
I had to reproduce the Armor skill...
1-Which increases movement speed when wearing higher level armor.
2-Gives Resistance to Damage.
So, in that slot I"ve put any two weapons or sword and shield combo, that have the highest possible speed mods on them.
Also...all the available sockets on the selected items in slot 3 are socketed with any rings or amulets with the highest magic or spell regen possible.
After I finish a battle I'm able to toggle to slot 3 effortlessly, allowing me to run at VERY high speeds to the next mob while regenning my spells at a highly accelerated rate, all at the same time!
Armor's resistance is not needed anymore because the high damage this build is capable of results in an amplification of life leech capabilities.
Without having to choose Armor skill I was freed up to pick an additional skill...and so I chose meditation, allowing the creation of a truly unique Hybrid with powerful spell casting capabilites and VERY fast magic regen combined with astounding melee damage.
To Cast spells high and then regen them uber fast...make sure you only have items which increase spell levels on the slot you are casting them from.
Example of Battle:
Cast CL from slot with items that have high CL in them...After the cl is blasting away at level 40, for then switch to your melee slot where your huge melee damage comes into play, while your CL is still blasting away in the back ground at level 40!
After spot another mob from a distance...toggle to your R and R slot...
Increase in movement speed, AND level 40 Celestial light now regens at level 1 cl rate or better! (depending on how much magic regen you've socketed in that R and R slot)
When you arrive for your next battle all your spells are ready for action once again!
What's important to remember is that if you're going to socket items that increase magic damage...only the level of the cl that it was originally cast at remains the same, after you switch slots.
Increasing magic damage through percentage modifiers to magic damage on items worn all the time stay with you all the time while the spell is blasting away.
Putting percentage mods to magic damge on a slot you are casting the cl from will not.
So very very important that!
And, as yet, I"ve read no cl runes.
All Cl levels are coming from carefully selected items.
I'd like to point out that because the wield is Duel...I have the option of choosing from between ANY shield or weapon that has the highest CL on it., for awhile I was using TWO Wide Daggers of the Raab sisters!
1-To create a build like this you will probably need another character with Trading running at least twenty levels ahead of you to buy the WIDD rings you'll need to get the percentage to make the mod work
Or...have lots of great friends that don't mind helping you out!
(Huge thanks to Schot, Strange, Keebler, Mortal Dream...and if I"ve forgotten anyone please, when I'm online...just kick me! )
2-You must constantly be landing blows...Strengh of Faith I luv ya! Also low regen times on whichever Ca you use for Attacking is crucial...if you're not landing blows and dealing damage, you're open to getting damaged VERY quickly.
3-Depending on the amount of risk you want to take you can literally dial in the damage you want to inflict.
Lower your healthpoints...then keep them low ...your damage will be high
Or...if you don't want to have risk...simply play the game normally with the WIDD mod...what will happen is that the WIDD mod will act as a huge amplifier to Damage ergo more life leech ergo a quick return to full health.
Lol, you're practically invulnerable!
It's recommended that you start with AT LEAST 300 % WIDD to get the damage I"m getting.
4-Practice this build in softcore. I pretty much only play hc, and so I was pretty scared the first time I was bullied into trying this out. So I practiced by exporting my HC chracacter to Open, thereby getting used to seeing my life meter flash WAY more and getting a feel for a character that lives so seemingly close to the edge.
But...repeated tests in softcore have proven that this mod is unbelievably powerful for a skilled player.
lol, sometimes it takes a great deal of faith to believe that the mod whill kick in at the last minute and blow every monster to smithereens!
Watching your healthpoints get lower
...and lower
Watching the damage you inflict get higher...
and higher!
While remembering that each blow you inflict leeches you back a larger and larger number of health points each time.
5-Myself i'm comfortable with 6% life leech...if you're not, simply adjust your life leech accordingly...What will happen is that your health will say practically full all the time, but you will be trading in some damage.
6-This MOD lends itself excellently to experienced players of ALL classes.
Schot will publish his guide soon and it's a whammy!
Obviously this build has great merit to characters that can attack from a distance...Anyone feel like trying out a Ebolts Wounds Seraphim?
Absolutely get used to the idea of having a buff.
Yes you can kill almost everything really fast...but a buff is now your new armor...remember your protection comes from landing blows...never forget that.
You should only start switching ammies and damage rings to WIDD rings at platinum...and when you've got enough Rings to reach almost 300 %
So what do I have socketed now?
lol, only Wounds and Rsm...that's it!
lol, of course...i'm always looking for ways to improve my damage...I really want to see a seraphim hit in the millions!
Is it possible?
Got any ideas guys?
Cheers and have fun with WIDD!
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