Sunday, August 19, 2007

> Sacred Guide: John K.C: Defence and Physical Regeneration in Sacred, Comprehensive paper on in-game

Sacred Guides at DarkMatters

By John K.C.

Comprehensive paper on in-game Mechanics done by John K.C. This is a nicely detailed article which features a very in-depth description and examples of resistances and defence in the game. Defence (Ability to reduce the times you're hit) and Resistance ( The reduction in value of the damage that subtracted from your healthpoints) are two things of note that will ultimately determine whether your toon will make it to niobium or not. Yes, the big damage dealer does damage. But in Niobum, monsters hit so hard and so fast, that not having these two components of your builds balanced out will end up will serve you up with a dead ^^

Can be found here:

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